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OME.xnys - Omega Protein Corporation

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1OME.xnys - Omega Protein Corporation Empty OME.xnys - Omega Protein Corporation Sex Nov 21, 2014 3:07 pm

Manuel Marques

Manuel Marques

Omega Protein Corporation, a nutritional ingredient company, produces Omega-3 fish oil and specialty fish meal products. The company operates in two segments, Animal Nutrition and Human Nutrition. The Animal Nutrition segment produces animal nutrition products, including fish meal products used as nutritional feed additives by animal feed manufacturers and commercial livestock producers; and crude fish oil for food producers and feed manufacturers. This segment also provides refined fish oil products that are used in food production, feed production, other industrial applications, and dietary supplements; and fish solubles for livestock and aquaculture feed manufacturers, as well as for use as an organic fertilizer. The Human Nutrition segment offers various compound products, including Omega-3 fish oils; and operates as an ingredient provider in the nutraceutical industry. The company sells its products in the United States, Mexico, Europe, Canada, Asia, South and Central America, and others. Omega Protein Corporation was founded in 1913 and is headquartered in Houston, Texas.

Site da empresa:

18 de Novembro
Omega Protein Corporation (NYSE: OME) -19% - On Monday after hours, the company reported financial results missing top and bottom line estimates.

Análise Técnica:
OME.xnys - Omega Protein Corporation Ome_xn10
OME.xnys - Omega Protein Corporation Ome_go10

A cotação caiu muito nas ultimas sessões.
Existe uma forte zona de suporte entre fibo 150 e 161,8.

Análise fundamental:

OME.xnys - Omega Protein Corporation Ome_re10

PER industria - 19 ( ver aqui )
PER forward - 11,7 (ver aqui . )

OME.xnys - Omega Protein Corporation Ome_mo11

Em relaçao ao nosso modelo, apresentamos um RL mais favorável do que no quadro de estimativas futuras. Por isso o EPS tb é superior. Isso afecta a análise. Embora isso aconteça espera-se que a longo prazo as estimativas sejam favoráveis para a empresa. A queda das últimas sessões parece ser um bom ponto de entrada.


De compra, apesar da volatilidade da acção e com base no modelo económico futuro.

2OME.xnys - Omega Protein Corporation Empty Re: OME.xnys - Omega Protein Corporation Ter Nov 25, 2014 11:52 am

Manuel Marques

Manuel Marques


Omega Protein Corporation: Fishing For Value
Sep. 23, 2014 4:03 PM ET | 2 comments | About: Omega Protein Corporation (OME)


Why such low absolute value for a niche market leader?
Is OME going to expand product offerings, thus, lower volatility?
The two potential outlooks for OME and corresponding valuations.

Omega Protein Corporation (NYSE:OME) is a producer of fishmeal and fish oil from Menhaden fish. The end products have omega-3 fatty acids. OME operates in the southern U.S. OME sells to two segments - animal nutrition and human nutrition.

OME.xnys - Omega Protein Corporation Ome_ar10

Why is OME, a clear leader in a niche market, trading at such low multiples?

The core operation, fishing, is inherently uncertain

Heavy reliance on one natural resource

Global supply and demand cause meaningful price fluctuations

Regulations limiting annual catch

Weather can significantly harm OME

The risks/uncertainties for OME are shown in past performance.

OME.xnys - Omega Protein Corporation Ome_ar11

*Excluding $26.2M received in 2010 oil spill settlement

Global fish oil prices jumped 23% in 2013. This uncontrollable price swing illustrates the volatility of OME operations.
The OME Operating Segments

OME.xnys - Omega Protein Corporation Ome_ar12

As stated a price spike boosted OME margins. On the other hand, the menhaden catch limit was lowered 25% in 2013. The two opposing factors resulted in stagnant revenue and margin expansion.

OME.xnys - Omega Protein Corporation Ome_ar13

The human nutrition segment is experiencing strong top-line growth, but expansion efforts limit EBIT.

The catch limit is projected to remain at 2013 levels for the foreseeable future. This is likely the catalyst for OME closing the doors on its Cameron, LA plant while redeploying assets to their 5 other plants. The plant closing will lower fixed costs with hopes operating efficiencies will improve at the other plants.
Moving Forward

Management is not sitting on their hands. The acquisition of Wisconsin Specialty Protein, a specialty whey protein manufacturer, in early 2013 proves otherwise.

In the press release, Omega Protein President and CEO Bred Scholtes said "As a highly sought-after and differentiated ingredient, whey protein is a great complement to our existing line of value-added ingredients and advances our goal of providing sustainable, vital nutrition ingredients to the world. This acquisition positions Omega Protein to further leverage our human nutrition business through greater internal innovation, expanded distribution channels and additional strategic capital investment opportunities."

The comments illustrate the focus on the human nutrition segment with a focus beyond fish oil products. The diversification beyond menhaden derived products can provide future growth opportunities.

The U.S dietary supplement ingredient supplier industry is large, growing, and fragmented. Future acquisitions in the industry are likely, the question is how involved will OME be.

OME has a strong balance sheet with $0.98 in cash per share and $5.78 in working capital per share. OME has generated $1.23 in owner's earnings in the trailing 12 months.

The strong cash position for OME should allow for further acquisitions assuming management continues down their current path.
The Two Potential Outlooks for OME:

Outlook 1) A company reliant on one natural resource, menhaden, with volatile prices and catch limits that cap future growth potential.

Outlook 2) A nutritional ingredient supplier with a "staple" product that will be used to fuel expansion into other products.

To add full context, OME is trading at ~8x trailing earnings. Both Ben Graham and the Katsenelson Absolute P/E Model assign a P/E of 7-8.5 for no growth companies.

The average P/E for OME over the past 10 years is 12.6. In the same period, revenue growth has been 10% CAGR.

*Earnings growth is skewed by single digit figure in early 2000s
Outlook One

From this vantage point, future growth will remain volatile and become increasingly limited by the catch restrictions. The best case outcome would be high single-digit growth for 2-4 years with long-term growth being lower.

OME has a strong balance sheet and trades at multiples for no growth companies, thus, any growth creates upside.

Using a DCF Model with 5% 5-year growth, 11% discount rate, and 2% LT growth; OME is worth $16.76 per share - a 17.5% margin of safety.

Using a pseudo-EBIT model. Assuming a fair P/E of 9, operating margin of 17%, and tax rate at 35%; OME is worth $14.57 per share - a 2.2% margin of safety.

Despite low absolute value, this scenario does not provide enough margin of safety to offset the significant risks OME is subject to.
Outlook Two

The transition to a broader human nutrition segment will slowly stabilize OME performance. This would provide long-term growth potential.

The animal nutrition segment currently accounts for 87% of revenue. This means the impact of the human nutrition segment will be minimal in the short-term.

Using a DCF Model with 8% 5-year growth, 11% discount rate, and 3% LT growth; OME is worth $20.46 per share - a 43.5% margin of safety.

Using the same pseudo-EBIT model with margins and tax rate consistent, but a P/E of 12. OME is worth $19.11 per share - 33.9% margin of safety.

Under either scenario, OME will have to weather the volatile environment of their business in the short-term. Investors who do not enjoy a bumpy ride should put their money elsewhere.

Despite trading at a valuation multiple of no growth companies and a strong balance sheet, the risks that OME carries are too great to offset the upside.

I categorize OME as a "wait and see" stock. If sufficient evidence emerges to support outlook two, OME would be an attractive stock at current price level.

3OME.xnys - Omega Protein Corporation Empty Re: OME.xnys - Omega Protein Corporation Ter Nov 25, 2014 12:07 pm

Manuel Marques

Manuel Marques

OME.xnys - Omega Protein Corporation Ome_xn11

4OME.xnys - Omega Protein Corporation Empty Re: OME.xnys - Omega Protein Corporation Sex Jan 16, 2015 6:04 pm

Manuel Marques

Manuel Marques

A OME é uma das empresas que está no portfolio. Depois de uma queda muito elevada encontra-se a recuperar e embora a entrada não tenha sido o mais apropriada, está a dar algum lucro ao portfolio.

Neste momento encontra-se a traçar a mm200 dias o que é bastante positivo. Se reagir bem é sinal que os isntitucionais poderão entrar na empresa.

O Price target mantem-se.

OME.xnys - Omega Protein Corporation Ome_xn10

5OME.xnys - Omega Protein Corporation Empty Re: OME.xnys - Omega Protein Corporation Sáb Jan 17, 2015 3:39 pm

Manuel Marques

Manuel Marques

HOUSTON, Jan. 6, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Omega Protein Corporation (OME), a nutritional product company and a leading integrated provider of specialty oils, essential fatty acids and specialty protein products, today announced plans to further integrate its Nutegrity human nutrition businesses. Nutegrity, which includes three businesses acquired from 2010 to 2013, and Bioriginal, acquired in September 2014, comprise the Company's human nutrition segment.

The Company plans to further consolidate oversight of the manufacturing operations of Nutegrity and its animal nutrition segment to leverage its operational expertise and innovation across segments. These manufacturing operations will be led by Montgomery Deihl, Senior Director of Operations. Mr. Deihl previously managed the Company's fishing operations and human nutrition grade fish oil refining and concentration facilities and reports directly to Bret Scholtes, President and Chief Executive Officer.

"We remain focused on prudently and strategically integrating our acquired and legacy businesses," commented Mr. Scholtes. "We believe this change will enable us to better leverage our manufacturing and operational strengths, drive innovation, and improve the performance of our human nutrition segment."

This change will complement the Company's integration of its Nutegrity and Bioriginal sales teams currently underway. The Nutegrity sales team continues to be led by the Company's Chief Commercial Officer, Matthew Phillips, and the Bioriginal operations and sales teams continue to be led by Joseph Vidal, President of Bioriginal, both reporting directly to Mr. Scholtes. In connection with these changes, Terry Olson, formerly President of Nutegrity, has transitioned into a non-executive role effective January 1, 2015 and is expected to leave the Company by March 31, 2015.

About Omega Protein Corporation

Omega Protein Corporation (OME) is a century old nutritional product company that develops, produces and delivers healthy products throughout the world to improve the nutritional integrity of foods, dietary supplements and animal feeds. Omega Protein's mission is to help people lead healthier lives with better nutrition through sustainably sourced ingredients such as highly-refined specialty oils and essential fatty acids, specialty protein products and nutraceuticals.

The Company operates eight manufacturing facilities located in the United States, Canada and Europe. The Company also operates more than 30 fishing vessels to harvest menhaden, a fish abundantly found off of the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. For more information, please visit

Forward Looking Statements

SPECIAL NOTE REGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS: The statements contained in this press release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking information may be based on projections, predictions and estimates. Some statements in this press release may be forward-looking and use words like "may," "may not," "believes," "do not believe," "expects," "do not expect," "plans," "anticipates," "do not anticipate," "see," "do not see," "should," or other similar expressions. The actual results of future events described in any of these forward-looking statements could differ materially from those stated in the forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to be materially different from those forward-looking statements include, among others: (1) the Company's expectations or beliefs regarding its integration plans proving to be incorrect; (2) effects of the Company's integration plans that may not have been foreseen by the Company; (3) the Company's ability to realize the anticipated benefits from its acquisitions in the human nutrition business, and specifically, to integrate successfully its recent acquisition of Bioriginal; and (4) the Company's expectations regarding Nutegrity or Bioriginal, their future prospects and the dietary supplement market or the human health and wellness segment generally, proving to be incorrect. Other factors are described in further detail in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its reports on Form 10-K, Form 10-Q and Form 8-K.

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